Aree di attività: Contenzioso Arbitrato Sport

Andrea Meier practises arbitration and litigation and is recognised as a leader in her field. She has acted as arbitration counsel or arbitrator in more than 90 arbitrations under various national laws and arbitration rules (ICC, Swiss Arbitration Centre, DIS, VIAC, WIPO, UNCITRAL, CAS, ad-hoc, etc.). A particular focus of Andrea Meier's work is the construction sector. For many years, she has represented parties in disputes relating to large industrial and infrastructure projects, most recently regarding the development of an offshore gas field and a large production plant. Recent cases also include post-M&A and joint venture disputes, and disputes in the pharmaceutical and mobility sectors.

Moreover, Andrea Meier regularly represents clients from the financial industry before state courts and arbitral tribunals and advises them on cross-border matters regarding foreign court proceedings (banking secrecy, Article 271 Swiss Criminal Code). She has extensive experience in handling a wide array of disputes between banks and customers, banks and service providers and inter-bank disputes.

Chambers Global, Chambers Europe and Who's Who Legal recognise Andrea Meier as a global arbitration leader. In 2018, Who's Who Legal's Future Leaders edition ranked her as the most highly regarded arbitration partner in Europe aged 45 or under. Clients and peers describe her as a “commercially minded lawyer who is always willing to listen to the client's viewpoint first” (Chambers Global 2020) and a “tough counsel” (Who's Who Legal Arbitration 2020). Commentators have also stated that she is “elegant in removing the hostilities, good in leading the tribunals” and "open to the commercial side and the business realities” (Chambers Europe and Global 2018). Clients describe her as “diligent, precise and on top of things. Extremely good to work with as well: proactive, always on time, always on budget” (Chambers Europe and Global 2017). In the litigation field, she has been named a “Thought Leader Litigation” (Who's Who Legal) constantly since 2020.

Andrea Meier holds leading functions in key professional organisations. She is Vice President of ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association) and a member of ASA's Executive Committee, a former ASA below 40 co-chair, a member of the Arbitration Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre, a member of the Centre's Special Committee, an alternate member of the Selection Committee of the DIS (German Arbitration Institute), and a former arbitrator of the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport). She regularly publishes in the field of international arbitration and is a frequent speaker at international arbitration conferences in Switzerland and abroad. Most recently, she was co-organizer and speaker at the 2022 ASA Arbitration Conference on "Sanctions and Their Impact on International Arbitration".

Andrea Meier joined Walder Wyss as a partner in 2020. Previously, she was a partner in a renowned boutique law firm for dispute resolution and from 2003 to 2010 an associate and senior associate in a leading major law firm. Andrea Meier holds a law degree and a doctorate degree from the University of Zurich (lic. iur. 1999, Dr. iur. 2007) and a post-graduate degree from Harvard Law School (2005).

Lugano Convention on International Jurisdiction and Enforcement, Commentary

| di Andrea Meier | in: Anton K. Schnyder, Miguel Sogo (Editore) | Zurich

Commentary on Article 43 Swiss Rules (Emergency Relief)

| di Andrea Meier e Nicole Cleis | in: Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger (Editore) | "Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – Commentary" | 3rd Edition

Commentary on Article 177 PILS

| di Andrea Meier e Chloé Terrapon Chassot | in: Dr. Simon Gabriel/Dr. Marco Stacher (Editore) | "Berner Kommentar, Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Art. 176-194 IPRG sowie Art. 7 und 196 IPRG" | Bern

Commentary on Article 194 PILS

| di Andrea Meier | in: Dr. Simon Gabriel/ Dr. Marco Stacher (Editore) | "Berner Kommentar, Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Art. 176-194 IPRG sowie Art. 7 und 196 IPRG" | Bern

Sezione sull’arbitrato multiparte; commento agli articoli 7-10 del Regolamento ICC 2012; commento all’articolo 24 del Regolamento ICC 2012, commento all’appendice IV del Regolamento ICC 2012, arbitrato in Svizzera

| di Andrea Meier | in: Manuel Arroyo (Editore) | "The Practitioner's Guide"

"Arbitration Clauses in Third Party Beneficiary Contracts - Who may and Who Must Arbitrate?"

| di Andrea Meier e Anna Lea Setz [Co-autore] | in: ASA Bulletin Volume 34, No. 1

Diritto sostanziale applicato dagli arbitri e dai tribunali: è la stessa cosa?

| di Andrea Meier | in: Müller / Bessons / Rigozzi (Editore) | "New Developments in International Commercial Arbitration" | Genf / Zurich

Do Lawyers Always Have to Have the Last Word? Iura Novit Curia and the Right to Be Heard in International Arbitration: an Analysis in View of Recent Swiss Case Law

| di Andrea Meier | in: ASA Bulletin

Commento all’articolo 43 Swiss Rules (Emergency Relief)

| di Andrea Meier | in: Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger (Editore) | "Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – Commentary" | 2nd Edition

Convenzione di Lugano concernente la giurisdizione e l’esecuzione internazionale, commento

| di Andrea Meier | in: Anton K. Schnyder (Editore) | "Commentary on Articles 25-30 and 59-60"

Section on Switzerland, Section on Swiss Rules of International Arbitration

| di Andrea Meier e Dr. Georg Segesser and Alexander Jolles [Co-autore] | in: Arbitration World - Jurisdiction Comparison

Assicurazioni e riassicurazioni transfrontaliere: Country Q&A Svizzera

| di Andrea Meier e Dr. Martin Bernet [Co-autore] | in: "PLC Insurance and Reinsurance Handbook 2010"

In guten wie in schlechten Zeiten: Ausstieg und Haftung aus Produktentwicklungsverträgen

| di Andrea Meier | in: AJP

At what costs may a football player breach his contract?

| di Andrea Meier | in: ASA Bulletin Volume 26, No. 3

Chiamata in causa di terzi sulla necessità di essere (talvolta) inefficienti

| di Andrea Meier e PD Dr. Nathalie Voser [Co-autore] | in: "Austrian Arbitration Yearbook"

Chiamata in causa di terzi sull’arbitrato internazionale

| di Andrea Meier | Schulthess | "Zürcher Studien zum Privatrecht"
