Peter Straub
Dr. iur., LL.M., Avvocato
Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 55 06
Curriculum Vitae
Peter Straub is counsel in the Litigation & Arbitration Team. He is specialised in complex international commercial disputes and represents parties in both state court litigations and before arbitral panels. His main areas are disputes stemming from telecommunications, pharmaceutical products, construction, joint ventures, commodities trading, high end consumer goods, shareholders' positions, post M&A, etc. Peter Straub is sitting as an arbitrator in international arbitrations (ICC, Swiss Rules, UNCITRAL, ad hoc, etc.). He also handles international recognition and enforcement matters. He has published on various subjects in his area of expertise and is a frequent panellist in international conferences.
Born in 1959, Peter Straub was educated at the University of Zurich (lic. iur. 1984, Dr. iur. 1988) and the London School of Economics (LL.M. 1991). He practiced with international law firms in Zurich before he became a partner in a major law firm in Zurich in 1996.
Peter Straub practices in German and English and speaks French and Italian. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.