Dieter Hofmann

Dieter Hofmann

lic. iur., Avvocato, Solicitor England & Wales




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 56 90

Curriculum Vitae

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Dieter Hofmann heads the Litigation & Arbitration Team. His primary focus is dispute resolution in complex, mainly international cases, ranging from pre-litigation advice, representation of clients in court and in arbitration proceedings, coordination in cases involving multiple jurisdictions, enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards and international legal assistance. He also sits as arbitrator in international arbitrations.

Dieter Hofmann has considerable experience in complex disputes arising from shareholders’ agreements, joint ventures, M&A, international contracts, engineering and construction projects, banking, finance, (re-)insurance, directors’ liability, insolvency etc.

Dieter Hofmann is Chair of the Zurich Bar’s Litigation Practice Group and has presented papers at international conferences and published on litigation and arbitration in Switzerland and abroad. In addition, he is a past Vice Chair of the American Bar Association Section of International Law’s International Litigation Committee and a past Chair of Dispute Resolution International (DRI).

Dieter Hofmann studied law at Zurich University (lic. iur. 1991). He has worked as a District Court law clerk in Zurich and as an attorney with major law firms in Zurich and in London. In 1994, he was admitted to the Zurich and Swiss Bar, and in 1999, he was also admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales (not practising).

Dieter Hofmann speaks German, English and French. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and is admitted to practise throughout Switzerland.

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

International Arbitration 2021: Switzerland - Trends and Developments

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Esecuzione delle sentenze di tribunali esteri nel 2019 – Svizzera

Contenzioso commerciale complesso 2020: Capitolo Svizzera

Complesse controversie di diritto commerciale in Svizzera nel 2019

Getting the Deal Through: Complex Commercial Litigation 2018 - Switzerland

5 Jahre ZPO aus der Sicht des internationalen Zivilprozesses und der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Konsumenten in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit – Aus Schweizer Sicht

Kommentar zu Art. 5 und Art. 38–52 des Lugano-Übereinkommens

Vorsorgliche Massnahmen im Zusammenhang mit Generalversammlungen im Lichte der Rechtsprechung

Insurance Litigation 2016 – Switzerland

Responsabilità per danno da prodotti in Svizzera

Wirtschaftsrechtliche Streitigkeiten vor staatlichen Gerichten – Schweiz

Insurance Litigation 2015 – Switzerland

Kommentar zu Art. 27 Swiss Rules

Kommentar zu Art. 257 der Schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung («Rechtsschutz in klaren Fällen»)

New Rules on International Arbitration

IBA Rules of Evidence – Kommentar zu den IBA Rules über die Beweiserhebung in der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Produkthaftpflicht in der Schweiz

Gerichtsstandvereinbarungen im Lichte des revidierten Lugano-Übereinkommens und der neuen Schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung

Kommentar zu Art. 5 und Art. 38–52 des Lugano-Übereinkommens

New Landscape of Civil Procedure in Switzerland as of 1 January 2011

Kommentar zu Art. 257 der Schweizerischen Zivilprozessordnung («Rechtsschutz in klaren Fällen»)

Produkthaftpflicht in der Schweiz

Der Internationale Schiedsgerichthof in Handelssachen der Handelskammer der Russischen Föderation

Produktehaftpflichtrecht in der Schweiz

Privatbestechung – «Wenige vermögen dem höchsten Bieter zu widerstehen»

Arbitration Clauses Proposed by the EU Commission in Antitrust and Merger Procedures – Current Approach and Deficiencies

The Lugano Convention and the Swiss Speciality

Wie nehme ich in der Schweiz Beweise auf, ohne verhaftet zu werden?
