Michael Cartier

Michael Cartier

Dr. iur., Avvocato, ACIArb




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 55 09

Curriculum Vitae

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Michael Cartier represents parties in international arbitrations under all major institutional rules and in ad-hoc proceedings, before state courts and in enforcement and legal assistance matters. He is listed as an expert for arbitration in Who's Who Legal 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. He also acts as arbitrator and is listed on the panel of arbitrators of the ICC National Committee (Switzerland), the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB International), the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), and the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC). The focus of his work is on construction disputes, international commercial law and M&A disputes. He has substantial subject-matter experience in energy-related matters (solar cell manufacturing, wind turbine engineering, peat and coal firing power plants, gas delivery, disposal of radioactive waste). He also advises clients in white-collar criminal law matters and corporate investigations as well as cross-border insolvency matters.

Born in 1978, Michael Cartier attended St. Gall University (lic. iur. HSG 2001, Dr. iur. 2007). During his studies he spent a year in Japan studying Japanese and working for a Japanese trading company. He clerked at the District Court of Ober-/Neutoggenburg (Canton St. Gall) and the Department of Construction, Energy and Environment of the Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden, and has been practicing law in Zurich since 2004.

Michael Cartier’s professional languages are English and German. He also speaks French and some Japanese. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practise throughout Switzerland. He is also a Registered Foreign Lawyer before the Singapore International Commercial Court.

Michael Cartier has been admitted to the Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC)'s Register of Foreign Lawyers

Michael Cartier has been admitted to the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC)'s list of arbitrators

WWL ranking - Arbitration Switzerland 2023

Leaders League Ranking 2023 - Excellent for Internal Investigations & Compliance

Chambers and Partners has moved Walder Wyss’s Arbitration Team up to Band 2 in its 2023 Global Ranking

Who’s Who Legal has again recognized a record number of Walder Wyss arbitration practitioners as leaders in their field

Michael Cartier appointed as presiding arbitrator in a DIS-Rules arbitration

Record number of arbitration practitioners of Walder Wyss featured in Who’s Who Legal 2020

La partecipazione di una società madre a dei colloqui transattivi porta all’unione di due procedimenti separati secondo le Swiss Rules

“Who’s Who Legal” nomina tre esperti del team di Walder Wyss specializzato in arbitrato come i prossimi grandi nomi del diritto arbitrale

«Future Leaders» im Schiedsbereich gewählt

Who's Who Legal benennt drei junge Anwälte des Prozessführungsteams von Walder Wyss als künftig führende Praktiker im Bereich internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Who's Who Legal benennt drei junge Anwälte des Prozessführungsteams von Walder Wyss als künftig führende Praktiker im Bereich internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

Dr. Michael Cartier wurde in den Vorstand der Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA) gewählt

Streitsache betreffend Ölaufbereitungsanlagen

Ad hoc Schiedsgerichtsentscheid betreffend Force Majeure in Syrien

Post-M&A Dispute betreffend Bergbauunternehmung

Schiedsgericht lehnt Aktivlegitimation einer Versicherungsgesellschaft aufgrund einer Subrogations-Ausschluss-Klausel ab

Bundesgericht erleichtert die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von englischsprachigen Schiedssprüchen in der Schweiz

Konventionalstrafen und Herabsetzung übermässiger Konventionalstrafbeträge

Restructuring & Insolvency 2022 - Chapter Switzerland

| di Dominik Hohler e Michael Cartier | in: Tom Barnes (Editore) | "Lexology GTDT" | London | pag. 494-511

Complesse controversie di diritto commerciale in Svizzera nel 2019

| di Dieter Hofmann, Oliver M. Kunz e Michael Cartier | in: "Getting The Deal Through" | London | pag. 93-99

Die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Bereich Investitionsschiedsverfahren – Effizienter Schutz europäischer Investitionen in der Zeit nach dem Beschluss zu Achmea

| di Michael Cartier e Chloé Terrapon Chassot [Co-autore] | in: IPBA Journal 91

Tecnologia e arbitrato internazionale, uso dell’IA nell’arbitrato.

| Relatore Michael Cartier | IPBA Annual Conference 2018 | Manila, Philippinen

Kommentar zu Art. 193 und 194 IPRG, Art. 29 Swiss Rules, sowie Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Schiedsurteilen.

| di Michael Cartier | in: "in: Manuel Arroyo (Editor), Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide, 2nd edition" | 2 | Alphen aan den Rijn

Bindung vor Vertragsunterzeichnung

| di Michael Feit e Michael Cartier [Co-autore] | in: The Lawyer | pag. 31

Die Verwendung illegal erworbener Beweismittel in Schiedsverfahren

| Relatore Michael Cartier | | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Grenzüberschreitende Konkursverfahren in der Schweiz; quo vadis?

| di Michael Cartier e Christoph Staeubli [Co-autore] | in: Business Restructuring & Insolvency Report 2016 | pag. 67–69

Technologie für den Prozessanwalt

| Relatore Michael Cartier | | Hong Kong

Big Data – Juristische Herausforderungen und kommerzielle Chancen

| Relatore Michael Cartier | | Hong Kong

Anwaltskanzlei 2.0 – Die technologisch unterstütze Anwaltskanzlei

| Relatore Michael Cartier | Inter-Pacific Bar Association 24th Annual Meeting & Conference | Vancouver, Canada

Kommentar zu Art. 193 IPRG

| di Michael Cartier | in: Manuel Arroyo (Editore) | "Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide" | Den Haag

Kommentar zu Art. 29 Swiss Rules

| di Michael Cartier | in: Manuel Arroyo (Editore) | "Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide" | Den Haag

Kommentar zu Art. 194 IPRG

| di Micha Bühler [Co-autore] e Michael Cartier [Co-autore] | in: Manuel Arroyo (Editore) | "Arbitration in Switzerland – The Practitioner’s Guide" | Den Haag

IPBA Regionale Konferenz: Kulturen in Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit überbrücken – Asien und Europa im Fokus

| Relatore Michael Cartier | Inter-Pacific Bar Association | Zürich
