Oliver M. Kunz

Oliver M. Kunz

lic. iur., LL.M., Avvocato




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 56 41

Curriculum Vitae

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Oliver M. Kunz specialises in civil and criminal litigation and internal investigations.

In particular, he advises and represents injured parties, defendants and third parties in white collar criminal cases and related civil proceedings, namely in the area of asset recovery as well as in technology-related disputes.
In addition, he conducts internal investigations, in particular regarding allegations of fraud and corruption as well as suspected misconduct of members of corporate bodies and other sensitive investigations.

Oliver M. Kunz regularly publishes and lectures in his areas of practice, namely on jurisdiction and enforcement issues as well as on appeal proceedings.

He graduated from the University of Fribourg (lic. iur. 2003 with the additions "bilingual" and "European law"). As a Fulbright Scholar, he completed his education at Stanford Law School in the field of law, science and technology (LL.M. 2010).

Oliver M. Kunz joined Walder Wyss in 2004. Prior to that, he worked as a student-assistant in criminal law at the University of Fribourg and as legal counsel for a non-profit organisation. Oliver M. Kunz speaks German, French and English.
He is registered with the Bar Register of the Canton of Zurich and admitted to practice law throughout Switzerland.

Legal 500 Country Comparatives Guides 2024 - White Collar Crime: Switzerland

Besserer Schutz des Anwaltsgeheimnisses bei internen Untersuchungen

Better protection of attorney-client privilege in internal investigations

Oliver Kunz im Interview mit der NZZ am Sonntag zum Thema interne Untersuchungen

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Erfüllungsort nach Art. 5 Nr. 1 LugÜ bei Holschulden, Besprechung von BGer, 4A_449/2021, 27.1.2022

Commentary on the Anti Money Laundering Act: art. 10a (Prohibition of information) and art. 11 (Exclusion of criminal and civil liability)

Commento agli articoli 109-111 LDIP (diritti immateriali: competenza, diritto applicabile, decisioni straniere)

Commento all’art. 157 LDIP (Protezione del nome e della ditta)

Commento all’art. 6 LDIP (Costituzione in giudizio del convenuto)

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Esecuzione delle sentenze di tribunali esteri nel 2019 – Svizzera

Contenzioso commerciale complesso 2020: Capitolo Svizzera

Violazione di segreti di fabbrica e di affari (art. 6 LCSI)

Corruzione attiva e passiva (art. 4a LCSI)

Complesse controversie di diritto commerciale in Svizzera nel 2019

Getting the Deal Through: Complex Commercial Litigation 2018 - Switzerland

Kommentar zu Art. 5 und Art. 38–52 des Lugano-Übereinkommens

Kommentar zu Art. 27 Swiss Rules

ZPO-Rechtsmittel, Berufung und Beschwerde; Kommentar zu den Art. 308–327a ZPO

Google Street View in der Schweiz – Anmerkung zu Schweizerisches Bundesgericht 31. Mai 2012, 1C_230/2011

Ausgewählte Neuerungen im Lugano-Übereinkommen

Jurisdiction and Forum Shopping in Europe

Dozent im Modul «Interaktives Marketing» des Studiengangs «Marketing Executive HSG»

Fachgruppe Zivilprozessrecht des Zürcher Anwaltsverbands: Das revidierte LugÜ – Neue Probleme, alte Fragen und die Revision der Revision

Lehrgang zum Dipl. Texterin/Dipl. Texter der schreibszene Schweiz: Werberecht für Texter

Anmerkung zu Schweizerisches Bundesverwaltungsgericht, Urteil vom 30. März 2011, A-7040/2009, Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter EDÖB gegen Google

Kommentar zu Art. 5 und Art. 38–52 des Lugano-Übereinkommens

Der Rechtsschutz im Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht

Erlasse des Kantons Zürich – Band II – Öffentliches Recht

Erlasse des Kantons Zürich – Band I – Zivil- und Strafrecht

Privatbestechung – «Wenige vermögen dem höchsten Bieter zu widerstehen»

Arbitration Clauses Proposed by the EU Commission in Antitrust and Merger Procedures – Current Approach and Deficiencies

Die Weiterbehandlung als Rechtsmittel

Das Bundesgericht hebt die Entscheidung zur Smarties-Formmarke auf

BIN LADIN bleibt im schweizerischen Register

Jetlag oder Grundprobleme des neuen Verjährungsrechts

Perizia - Ammissibilità della divulgazione dei dati di clienti bancari da parte delle banche svizzere a incaricati esteri ai sensi dell’art. 47 LBCR

Parere legale: ammissibilità della divulgazione dei dati dei clienti da parte delle banche svizzere agli agenti dei Paesi stranieri ai sensi dell’articolo 47 della legge sulle banche (LBCR)
