Irène Suter-Sieber

Irène Suter-Sieber

Dr. iur., Avvocato, Avvocato specialista FSA diritto del lavoro




Telefono diretto: +41 58 658 56 60

Curriculum Vitae

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Irène Suter-Sieber is a partner for employment law, Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law and was a member of the Executive Board (Hiring Partner) at Walder Wyss from 2021 to 2024.

She has extensive experience in representing clients in court in employment law related civil proceedings. She advises Swiss and international companies on all aspects of employment law, in particular, in the drafting of employment contracts, personnel regulations and employee participation programmes, in executive compensation matters, in the enforcement of restrictive covenants, terminations, restructurings such as transfers of undertakings and mass dismissals, international employee transfers, personnel lease as well as employment-related internal investigations, social security and data protection issues.

After completing her studies of law at the University of Zurich (lic. iur. 2006) and her piano studies at the Zurich School of Music (Musician MH, 2006), she was admitted to the bar (2009) and received her doctorate at the University of Zurich in 2012 (summa cum laude, awarded the Prof. Walther Hug Prize and Issekutz Prize). Before joining Walder Wyss, Irène Suter-Sieber worked at a leading Swiss law firm in Zurich for eight years.

Irène Suter-Sieber speaks German, English and French. She is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice at all Swiss courts.

Employee Share Plans in Switzerland: Overview

| di Irène Suter-Sieber e Maurus Winzap | in: Thomas Reuters Practical Law

Legal500 Webinars: Data Protection at the Workplace (March 2024)

| Relatrice Irène Suter-Sieber | Legal500 Webinars: Data Protection at the Workplace (March 2024)

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

| di Ramona Wyss, Andrea Haefeli, Gion Giger, David Vasella, Davide Cerutti, Marco Galli, Roger Staub, Manuel Bigler, Reto Jacobs, Monique Sturny, Thomas P. Müller, Nadja D. Leuthardt, Adriano Antonietti, Valentine Schnyder, Stefan Knobloch, Dimitrios Berger, Dominik Hohler, Letizia Schlegel, Stéphanie Oneyser, Urs P. Gnos, Dario Galli, Michael Kündig, Markus Vischer, Urs Schenker, Christian A. Schmid, Patrick W. Vogel, Alexander Sorton, Samuel Lieberherr, Daniel Dedeyan, Nico Bernhard, Theodor Härtsch, Tervel Stoyanov, Lukas Wyss, Markus Pfenninger, Valentin Wiesner, Rafal Szala, Thiemo Sturny, Roger Ammann, Hubertus Hillerström, Ken Savioz, Simone Wetzstein, Valentina Eichin, Irène Suter-Sieber, Olivier Sigg, Laura Luongo, Francis Nordmann, André Kuhn, Davide Jermini, Christian Eichenberger, Matthieu Seydoux, Thomas Meister, Janine Corti, Robert Desax, Fabienne Limacher, Dieter Hofmann, Rodolphe Gautier, Roxane Allot, Micha Bühler, Michael Feit, Maurice Courvoisier, Oliver M. Kunz e Pascale Köster | Editore: Urs P. Gnos, Theodor Härtsch | Ed.: 2nd edition

Combinations (§ 15 Mergers [Worker Protection])

| di Irène Suter-Sieber | in: Florian S. Jörg/Urs P. Gnos/Lorenzo Olgiati (Editore) | "Handbücher für die Anwaltspraxis (HAP)" | Basel 2022 | pag. 908-913

Business Acquisitions (§ 10 Labor and Social Security Law)

| di Irène Suter-Sieber | in: Florian S. Jörg/Urs P. Gnos/Lorenzo Olgiati (Editore) | "Handbücher für die Anwaltspraxis (HAP)" | Basel 2022 | pag. 627-679

Pitfalls in employment contracts

| Relatori Irène Suter-Sieber e Simone Wetzstein | WW Employment Luncheon | St. Gallen

Dismissal due to incapacity for work

| Relatrice Irène Suter-Sieber | Arbeitsrechtstagung 2022 / Schulthess Forum - ZHAW | Zürich
