Philippe Nordmann

Philippe Nordmann

Dr. iur., LL.M., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 14 50

Curriculum Vitae

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Philippe Nordmann is Co-Head of our Employment Law Team and Head of our Basel Office. He advises companies as well as executive employees in all aspects of employment law (e.g. drafting of employment contracts and employee regulations, setting upcompensation schemes, support concerning dismissals and plant closures, advising companies in negotiations regarding collective bargaining agreements, assignments of employees, staff leasing, work permits, competition clauses etc.). He has substantial experience in litigation (in private and public employment law as well as in other areas of the law). Moreover, Philippe Nordmann is member of the Private Client team. He advises private clients in questions of international law. In addition, he is a board member of several foundations. Philippe Nordmann was a member of the Tax Appeal Commission of the canton of Basel-Stadt from 2013 to 2015. Since 2016 he is Vice-President of the Personnel Appeals Commission of the canton of Basel-Stadt and since 2018 President of the Supporter‘s Association of the Institute for Work and Employment Research at the University of St. Gallen.

Born in 1972, Philippe Nordmann was educated at the university of Basel (lic. iur. 1995, Dr. iur. 1997) and at the Cardozo School of Law in New York (LL.M. 2002). Before joining Walder Wyss in 2014, he gained working experience as clerk at the civil court in Basel and worked during 14 years as an associate and as a partner in law firms in Basel, during the last four years as a partner in a leading Swiss law firm where he was head of the Employment Law team. Philippe Nordmann is recognized as a leading expert in the area of employment law by Chambers Europe and Who‘s Who Legal. In 2020 Philippe Nordmann won the Client Choice Award 2020 in the category Labour & Employment for Switzerland. In the same year he was honored as one of four "Leading Individuals" in the category Employment Switzerland by Legal 500.

Philippe Nordmann speaks German, English and French. He is registered with the bar registry of the canton of Basel-Stadt and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Chambers Global Practice Guide: Employment 2023

New framework agreement on maintaining subordination under social security law in the case of cross-border home office work of less than 50%

New framework agreement on maintaining subordination under social security law in the case of cross-border home office work of less than 50%

Chambers Global Practice Guide: Employment 2022

Doing Business in Switzerland in 2022

Kantonaler Mindestlohn und seine Ausnahmen

Employment 2021 - Chapter Switzerland

From the home office back to the office

Vom Homeoffice zurück ins Büro

Basics of home office work

Care Leave to Care for Sick Relatives and for Children with a Serious Health Condition

Bezahlter Kurzurlaub für Angehörigenbetreuung und langer Betreuungsurlaub bei gesundheitlich schwer beeinträchtigten Kindern

«Paternity leave now!» – What next?

Employment 2020 - Chapter Switzerland

Employment 2020: Switzerland - Trends and Developments

Homeoffice auf Anordnung des Arbeitgebers infolge des Coronavirus

Ordering home office – The employer's toolkit under exceptional circumstances

Anordnung von Homeoffice durch den Arbeitgeber aufgrund des Coronavirus

Stolpersteine im Bereich des arbeitsrechtlichen Konkurrenzverbots

Business immigration in Switzerland: overview

Die neue Stellenmeldepflicht

Internationales Sozialversicherungsrecht: Stolpersteine bei der Anstellung von Grenzgängern

Business Immigration: A Global Guide From Pratical Law, 2nd Edition


Entlöhnung in Euro

Müssen Arbeitnehmer für geleistete Überstunden entschädigt werden?

Erfolgreiche Führung von Anwaltsunternehmen

Lohn ohne Arbeit?

Arbeiten in der Schweiz

Die missbräuchliche Kündigung im schweizerischen Arbeitsvertragsrecht unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gleichstellungsgesetzes

Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs I – Kommentar zu Art. 166-170, Band II, ab S. 1549

Bundesgesetz über Schuldbetreibung und Konkurs – Kommentar zu Art. 166–170 SchKG
