Alex Nikitine

Alex Nikitine

Dr. iur., LL.M., Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 56 32

Curriculum Vitae

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Alex Nikitine is head of the Corporate/M&A team at Walder Wyss. His practice focuses on domestic and international M&A transactions, public tender offers, IPOs and other public (ECM/DCM) offerings, private equity and venture capital transactions, corporate governance and general corporate, stock exchange and capital markets laws. His experience for the last 15 years includes numerous transactions in these areas of expertise, in particular with companies in the Life Sciences, Banking or E-Commerce industry.

Alex Nikitine has been recommended by several international directories such as Chambers, IFLR1000 and The Legal 500 as a leading lawyer (by Chambers Global/Europe in both Corporate/M&A and Capital Markets). He is considered "knowledgeable and quick" and "likeable" and is being praised by his "out-of-the-box thinking" and "high level of client orientation" (Chambers, The Legal 500).

Alex Nikitine represents clients in proceedings before the SIX Swiss Exchange, the Swiss Takeover Board (UEK) and the Swiss financial market supervisory authority FINMA. He is a member of the board of examiners for the Swiss certified tax expert exams and a SIX Swiss Exchange recognised representative under art. 58a Listing Rules. He regularly publishes and speaks at conferences in his areas of expertise.

Alex Nikitine studied law at the University of Basel (lic. iur., 2000) and Harvard Law School (LL.M., 2004) and he received a doctorate (PhD; on Swiss and US securities laws) from the University of Zurich (Dr. iur., 2007). In 2009, he worked at Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP in New York, USA.

Alex Nikitine speaks German and English. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and is admitted to practice in Switzerland as well as in the state of New York, USA.

Walder Wyss advised ANYbotics AG on USD 60m Financing Round

embotech AG – Swiss IT supplier for autonomous driving closes CHF 23.5m Series B Financing Round

Alentis Therapeutics Raises USD 181.4m in an Oversubscribed Series D Financing to Advance the Clinical Development of Anti-Claudin-1 ADCs in Solid Tumors

CorFlow Therapeutics AG – EUR 44m B-Round

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

Walder Wyss advises on exit of Swiss Drone Company Sulzer & Schmid Laboratories to RES Digital Solutions Limited, UK

Bregal Unternehmerkapital acquires majority stake in BSI Software from Capvis

Seed Financing Round of ETH Spin-Off ENANTIOS

SkyCell AG closed USD 116m Series D Financing Round

Swiss Vertical Farming companies Yasai & GreenState to merge

KLAR Partners Acquires BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG

Walder Wyss advised CRISPR Therapeutics (NASDAQ) on USD 280 Million Equity Issuance

ABB acquires Sevensense Robotics

Green Landscaping Group AB (publ) acquires Viva Gartenbau AG

Walder Wyss advised Nasdaq listed Altamira Therapeutics in its sale of majority stake in Altamira Medica

SkyCell AG - USD 57m financing round

Walder Wyss advises WEG S.A. as Swiss counsel in the acquisition of the industrial electric motors and generators business of the Regal Rexnord Corporation

IFLR 1000 Rankings - Walder Wyss as a top-performing law firm ranked

TP24 raises CHF 400m of additional funding from Barclays and M&G

UBS/CS Merger Completed

Negotiations in M&A transactions - tips and tricks

| par Alex Nikitine | dans: Hans-Jakob Diem (edit.) | «Mergers & Acquisitions - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Recht und Praxis» | 24. Zürcher Konferenz zu Mergers & Acquisition Tagungsband 2021 | Zürich

Commentaire sur les articles 64, 65 et 68 de la loi fédérale sur les établissements financiers (LEFin)

| par Pascal Zysset et Alex Nikitine [co-auteur] | dans: Rolf Sethe/René Bösch/Olivier Favre/Ansgar Schott (edit.) | «Schulthess Kommentar zum Finanzinstitutsgesetz» | Zürich | P. 841-891, 919-939

« Officer’s Certificates » dans des transactions M&A

| par Dario Galli et Alex Nikitine | dans: Hans-Jakob Diem (edit.) | «Mergers & Acquisitions XXII» | Zurich/Bâle/Genève 2021 | P. 171–214

IPO Readiness - Stolpersteine auf dem Weg zum Börsengang

| par Alex Nikitine et Marion Bähler | dans: Thomas U. Reutter, Thomas Werlen (edit.) | «EuropaInstitut, Kapitalmarkt - Recht und Transaktionen XV»

Covid-19 Update: Emergency Loan Scheme for Start-ups

| par Ramona Wyss et Alex Nikitine | dans: Thomas U. Reutter, Thomas Werlen (edit.) | «EuropaInstitut, Kapitalmarkt - Recht und Transaktionen XV»

Guidelines on Shareholders’ Meetings under COVID-19 Ordinance 2

| par Alex Nikitine, Angela Diener et Rafael Zemp | dans: Thomas U. Reutter, Thomas Werlen (edit.) | «EuropaInstitut, Kapitalmarkt - Recht und Transaktionen XV»

Il successo dei nostri “startupper” è la più grande motivazione

| par Alex Nikitine | dans: Tages-Anzeiger «Rechtsguide 2018»

Initial Public Offering (IPO) 2017 / Switzerland

| par Alex Nikitine, Theodor Härtsch [co-auteur] et Stefan Knobloch [co-auteur] | Global Legal Insights | London/UK | edit.: gli Global Legal Insights
