Dario Galli

Dario Galli

Managing Associate
Dr. iur., LL.M., Avocat




Téléphone direct: +41 58 658 56 62

Curriculum Vitae

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Domaines d'activité: Corporate / M&A Contrats commerciaux

Dario Galli is a managing associate in Walder Wyss's Corporate/M&A team. His work focuses on contract, commercial, and corporate law as well as employee participation schemes and incentive agreements, and he specializes in private national and international mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions.

Dario publishes regularly in his areas of practice. In particular, he engages with the latest rulings on general contract, sales, and corporate law, and comments on Swiss Federal Supreme Court decisions in these areas. Also, since 2022 he has been a lecturer in drafting contracts at the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS).

Born in 1988, Dario studied law at the University of Bern, Switzerland (BLaw 2013; MLaw 2014, with an additional specialization in private law) and the University of Chicago Law School, Illinois, USA (LL.M. 2021). Moreover, he earned his Ph.D. in tort law from the University of Freiburg, Switzerland (Dr. iur. 2021), for which he was awarded the "Professor Walther Hug Prize for Ph.D. 2020/21" and the "Prix d'Excellence 2022" of the Swiss Association for Tort Law and Insurance Law. Dario was admitted to the Bern bar in 2017. He is registered with the Zurich Bar Registry and admitted to practice throughout Switzerland.

Before joining Walder Wyss in 2015, Dario worked as a judicial intern at the District Court for the District of Emmental-Oberaargau in Burgdorf, Switzerland. Dario's professional languages are primarily German and English, although he also speaks Italian and French.

Keysight Technologies Acquires AnaPico AG

Bregal Unternehmerkapital acquires majority stake in BSI Software from Capvis

KLAR Partners Acquires BÜHLMANN Laboratories AG

Migros announces Sale of Misenso to Neuroth

Merger of Houzy and Devis.ch

Promotions at Walder Wyss

Constellation sells remaining minority stake in Swiss E-Mobility Group (SEMG) to TVS Motor Company

GetYourGuide announces USD 194 million financing round

Sale of Compotech AG

Cinerius Financial Partners AG acquires a majority stake in Entrepreneur Partners AG

TX Group to acquire Clear Channel Switzerland

Sale of «Nagel Group»

Sagard NewGen Acquires a Minority Stake in Unit8

Cembra acquires Byjuno

Bouygues announces sale of Helion to AMAG Group

Komax Acquires the Schleuniger Group

IFF Completed Divestiture of Microbial Control Business

Riverside Acquires ACTANDO

Sale of SFL Group

Metall Zug contributes the Schleuniger Group by way of Quasi-Merger into Komax

Constellation sells majority stake in Swiss E-Mobility Group (SEMG) to TVS Motor Company

DDM Group acquires Swiss Bankers Prepaid Services AG

Revalize aquires SpecPage AG

Gold Tree Basel Limited acquires G.A.T.E.S., Hôteliers & Restaurateurs SA

Acquisition of Berliner Glas Medical Applications and SwissOptic by JENOPTIK

Vente du «Gries Deco-Gruppe»

ZHAW attribue le Publication Award au «Handbuch Schweizer GmbH-Recht»

Vente de «Lista-Office Group»

Ardian acquires majority in Sintetica

Vente d’ASIC Robotics SA et réinvestissement

Metaco SA completes Financing Round

Tamedia reprend la «Basler Zeitung»

Acquisition d’une coopérative de logements

Oriflame: clôture de la délocalisation avec fusion transfrontalière

IRC acquiert la majorité de Transa

Interprétation d'une clause d'earn out

Consentement implicite à une reprise de contrat

Transfert du bail dans le cadre d'un achat d'entreprise

Calcul de la réduction de prix dans le droit de garantie

L'insécurité juridique persiste en matière d'expertise-arbitrage

Contrat de distribution exclusive: dommages-intérêts en raison de l'exécution imparfaite du contrat

Attainte à la santé mentale comme critère d'exclusion du dol?

Transfert d'actions et problèmes pratiques rencontrés

Convocation d'une assemblée générale

L'élément de bonne foi dans le droit à l'erreur

Fusions et acquisitions d’entreprises privées en Suisse: Aperçu

Retenue du prix de l'ouvrage sur la base du droit de refus de prestation selon l'art. 82 CO

Résiliation d'une promesse de contracter un contrat d'entreprise générale

Accord implicite sur la cessibilité d'un droit de préemption contractuel?

L'inexigibilité en tant que défaut

Transfert juridique de propriété d'actions sans acte de disposition séparé?

Les conséquences de transactions M&A improprement structurées

Commentaire des art. 839‒851 du code des obligations suisse

Sur l'absence d'une qualité attendue d'une installation de biogaz

La jurisprudence du Tribunal fédéral en matière de droit sur le contrat de vente en 2022

Annulation de certains points de l'ordre du jour d'une assemblée générale ou d'une assemblée générale dans son entièreté

Caution When Making Use of the Criminal Law in Warranty Cases

Due Diligence Regarding Servitudes in Real Estate Purchases

Alea iacta est: No Simplified Merger in Case of Indirect Ownership Structures

Achats des entreprises: aperçu des pièges les plus fréquents

What Board Members Need to Know About the New Corporation Law!

Relationship between Art. 28 para. 1 Swiss Code Obligations and Art. 146 para. 1 Swiss Criminal Code

Duress in Civil Law and Usury in Criminal Law

Violation Without Consequences of the Exclusivity Clause in the Brokerage Agreement

The Proximity of the Contracting Party as a Criterion for Victim Co-Responsibility?

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Calculation of Damages in Business Acquisitions

Incorrect Due Diligence Reports and Their Consequences in a Business Acquisition

The Notion of "Defect" in Connection with the Indication of the Living Space

Intentional Deception Regarding the Size of the Agricultural Usable Area

Once again on the Concept of the Pending Invalidity of a Contract

Proof of Maturity by Producing Evidence For the Due Offer to Discharge the Obligation

The Public Auction of an Object pursuant to Art. 651 para. 2 of the Swiss Civil Code in connection with the Division of the Co-Ownership is not subject to the Rules of the Foreclosure Law.

Admissibility of Settlement Payments by the Corporation to its Shareholders

Contract Interpretation Principles of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court in a Deadlock

The Covid-19 Pandemic is Considered a Force Majeure Event, Which Entitles the Sponsor to Extraordinarily Terminate the Sponsorship Agreement.

Tricky Options Trading

Form Requirement of an Agreement Concluded on the Same Day as the Real Estate Acquisition Contract?

Single-member board of directors is not a reason for suspension according to Art. 134 para. 1 item 6 CO, which suspends the statute of limitations for liability claims.

Concentrations d’entreprises (§ 16 Quasi-fusions et fusions improprement dites)

Concentrations d’entreprises (§ 15 Fusions)

Private Mergers and Acquisitions in Switzerland: Overview

Liability for Water-Retaining Facilities According to the Swiss Federal Act on Water Retaining Facilities

The Jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court regarding Sales and Purchase Law in the Year 2021

Claiming by Way of Adhesion Penalties Provided For Under Non-Disclosure Agreements?

Observance of nullity ex officio?

Negligent Error and Breach of Good Faith

Entry 155284

Art. 135 para. 2 Swiss Code of Obligations Lists the Grounds for Interruption of the Statute of Limitations exhaustively.

Entry 154597

Cas de restructuration (§ 94 Fusion)

Entry 153789

Entry 153479

Entry 153474

Entry 152126

Entry 151237

«Too big to fail (TBTF)» – Qui paie en cas d’accident dans un ouvrage d’accumulation?

Entry 150913

Besprechung von Meyer, Richard M.: Der Verwässerungsschutz bei aktienrechtlichen Kapitalerhöhungen

Entry 145925

Entry 142397

Entry 142374

Entry 140536

Entry 139334

Restructuration selon la loi sur la fusion (§ 105 Fusion)

Entry 139314

Entry 138515

Entry 138161

Entry 127255

Plea of Non-Performed Share Purchase Agreement (Article 82 Swiss Code of Obligations)

Joint Responsibility of the Victim when Purchasing Art

Determination of the Preemptive Price

Approval of Share Transfers by the Board of Directors

Entry 125607

Entry 124886

Entry 124591

Entry 124381

Entry 124398

Entry 124379

Entry 123768

Entry 123683

Entry 123419

Entry 123680

Entry 122904

Entry 123676

Entry 122006

Entry 123667

Entry 123661

Entry 123659

Entry 123656

Entry 123651

« Officer’s Certificates » dans des transactions M&A

Entry 106112

Doveri di fedeltà delle parti di un contratto affetto da invalidità pendente

Patti parasociali: promesse di prestazioni o di garanzia

Sull’assenza di una presunta caratteristica delle arance

Promesse di prestazioni e tutela nei contratti di acquisto di azioni

Les dispositions concernant la responsabilité prévue par la Loi fédérale sur les ouvrages d’accumulation (art. 13−21 LOA)

Punibilità in caso di contratto di cessione d’azienda simulato

Entry 87952

Entry 82861

Commentaire des art. 47 et art. 48 de la loi sur la Banque nationale

Entry 81267

Entry 81176

Entry 75523

Entry 69126

Entry 69122

Entry 67676

Entry 62636

Adaptation des contrats de droit privé à la suite du COVID-19

Entry 60451

Obligation or Condition Precedent?

Doing Business in Switzerland – A Practical Guide

Auslegung von Suspensivbedingungen

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Klärung mietrechtlicher Fragen

Gedanken zu Art. 327 StGB und Art. 327a StGB

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Interdictions des manifestations et d’exploitation par le Conseil fédéral – Aspects du droit du bail

Unterrichtsvertrag: Entschädigungspflicht bei Kündigung zur Unzeit

Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: Interdiction des grandes manifestations par le Conseil fédéral – Incidences sur les contrats

Anwendbarkeit des CISG auch bei einem Irrtum über Eigenschaften des Kaufgegenstands

Körperschaftsrechtliche Grenzen vertraglicher Vorkaufsrechte

Grundlagenirrtum beim zusammengesetzten Vertrag

Wiedereintragung einer im Handelsregister gelöschten Gesellschaft

Erste Annäherung an das Global Forum-Gesetz

Share Deal ou Asset Deal?

Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung

Restructuration selon la loi sur la fusion (§ 106 Fusion)

Le transfert de parcelles immobilières lors des ventes d’entreprises / vendre une propriété objet de contrats de location / l’importance du dépôt de notifications de défauts dans les délais

Legislazione e giurisprudenza

La giurisprudenza del Tribunale federale sul diritto della compravendita nel 2018

Inizio della locazione non necessario per il trasferimento del rapporto di locazione

Rassegna delle decisioni, Formazione, TF 4A_286/2018: truffe ed errori concernenti l’edificabilità di un fondo

Applicazione della norma penale sull’usura a un’operazione di M&A

Decisioni nulle dell’Assemblea generale

Clausole di negoziazione vincolanti versus clausole di negoziazione non vincolanti

Mora nell’acquisto di fondi immobiliari con obbligo di costruzione

Natura giuridica della perizia di un arbitratore

Dichiarazioni di volontà nei verbali delle AG e dei CdA

L’effetto temporale del trasferimento del contratto

Legislazione e giurisprudenza

Vizi di consenso e garanzia concernenti l’oggetto di leasing

Rassegna delle decisioni, 3.2.4. Diritto delle società anonime, TF 4A_279/2018: Assemblee universali nulle

Règles de déclaration modifiées dans le cadre du droit suisse des sociétés («règles GAFI»); des sanctions pénales vont s’appliquer

Notifica tempestiva dei vizi

Approvazione delle transazioni con se stessi (self-dealing) nella società anonima

Il concetto di invalidità pendente

Designazione errata del debitore nell’atto di cessione

“Perizia di un arbitratore” sulla determinazione del valore delle azioni

Mal non comune è mezzo gaudio

Interpretazione di un contratto di acquisto di azioni

I non azionisti nell’assemblea generale

Le clausole di perizia di un arbitratore nei contratti di M&A

Errore essenziale riguardo ai fattori che influenzano il valore

La giurisprudenza del Tribunale federale sul diritto della compravendita nel 2017

Vendita di una panetteria-pasticceria-sala da tè

Invalidità parziale di un contratto di cessione d’azienda contenente vizi della volontà

Nochmals zum Umfang des Formzwangs beim Grundstückkauf

Die Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichts zum Kaufvertragsrecht im Jahr 2016

Ungültigkeit eines Grundstückkaufs infolge Nichteinhaltung der Form, Simulation und zugrundeliegendem Mantelgesellschaftshandel

Entscheidbesprechungen, Entstehung, BGer 4A_141/2017: Opfermitverantwortung bei der zivilrechtlichen absichtlichen Täuschung

Entscheidbesprechungen, 3.2. Gesellschaftsrecht - allgemein, (4) BGer 4A_75/2017: Unwiderruflichkeit der Auflösung einer juristischen Person zufolge fehlenden Rechtsdomizils

GAFI-Meldepflicht(en) beim Aktienerwerb zufolge Erbgangs?

Obligation d"annoncer l"ayant droit économique selon l"art. 697j CO: Est-ce que la loi demande l"impossible?

Irrtum hinsichtlich der Überbaubarkeit eines Grundstücks

Los- oder Stichentscheid? - Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera

GAFI-guide pratique

Wer ist die wirtschaftlich berechtigte Person gemäss Art. 697j OR?

Irrtum über den Wert eines Unternehmens

Anfechtung eines Aktienkaufvertrags gemäss Art. 203 OR

Formungültiger Vorvertrag zu einem Kaufsrechtsvertrag

Lieferung einer mangelhaften Softwarelösung

Wer ist die wirtschaftlich berechtigte Person gemäss Art. 697j OR?

Weiterverwendung eines Konzernkennzeichens nach Ausscheiden aus dem Konzern

GAFI-Pflichten des Verwaltungsrates gemäss Art. 697m Abs. 4 OR bei der Ausübung von Aktionärsrechten

Les pièges du droit des sociétés - Faut-il agir lors de la préparation de l'assemblée générale ordinaire 2016?

Verjährung von Nachlassforderungen