News & Publications


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Do hard cases make good law? Besprechung von BGer, 4A_603/2023, 25.3.2024
[Do hard cases make good law? Discussion of the decision of the Swiss Federal Supreme Court 4A_603/2023, 25.3.2024]

by Marco Stacher and Anna Mentzer
in: AJP 8/2024, pp. 865 ff., August 2024

Handling Unresponsive and Uncooperative Parties in Arbitration

Speaker Lukas Fellmann
DIS 40
Hamburg, Germany, 25 July 2024

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Regular Newsletter 204

Swiss landmark decision on the admissibility of intra-EU investment arbitration

by Michael Feit and Francesca Borio
May 2024

La disciplina svizzera sulle misure cautelari in arbitrato: una prospettiva comparata alla luce della recente riforma italiana
[Interim measures in Swiss arbitration: a comparative perspective in light of the recent Italian reform]

by Louis Christe and Pietro Meineri
in: Rivista dell'Arbitrato Anno XXXIII Fasc. 3 - 2023, pp. 743 - 771, April 2024

Access to justice and financing of contentious proceedings

Speaker Lukas Fellmann
Rome, Italy, 16 March 2024

Recent Developments in Swiss Arbitration: A Modern Framework to a Classical Picture

by Chloé Terrapon Chassot and Louis Christe
in: International Arbitration Law Review 27 Int. A.L.R., Issue 1, pp. 1 - 24, March 2024

Mastering the Maze of International Arbitration and International Sanctions: Selected Aspects of the Impact of Sanctions on the Conduct of International Arbitration Proceedings in Switzerland and the EU

by Katherine Bell, Nassim Ben Brahim, Yaël Nahmani and Francesca Borio
in: The Future of Swiss Arbitration, 7 September 2023

Commentary on Articles 10 (Appointment of a Sole Arbitrator) and 11 (Appointment of Arbitrators) of the Swiss Rules

by Micha Bühler and Lukas Fellmann
in: Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger (Editor[s]), "Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – Commentary"
3rd Edition, 2023

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Awards in Deutsche Telekom v. India Upheld in Switzerland Swiss Federal Court Dismisses Request for Review as Inadmissible and Belated

by Nicole Cleis
8 June 2023

Commentary on Articles 38-41 and Appendix B Swiss Rules

by Marco Stacher and Chloé Terrapon Chassot
in: Tobias Zuberbühler / Christoph Müller / Philipp Habegger (Editor[s]), "Swiss Rules of International Arbitration - Commentary"
3rd edition, Zurich/Geneva, 2023

Commentary on Article 43 Swiss Rules (Emergency Relief)

by Andrea Meier and Nicole Cleis
in: Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger (Editor[s]), "Swiss Rules of International Arbitration – Commentary"
3rd Edition, 2023