Margaux Schroeter is a trainee lawyer at Walder Wyss in Geneva.

She completed her academic training at the University of Fribourg, earning a Bachelor of Law in 2019 and a Master of Law in 2021, both with the mention summa cum laude. In 2024, she obtained the Certificate of Specialization in Advocacy from the University of Geneva. In 2024, she obtained the Certificate of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of Geneva.

She completed a PhD in Inheritance Law (Droit des successions, rapports / Erbrecht, Ausgleichung), which obtained the mention summa cum laude and was published in October 2024. Titled « Les rapports successoraux : les inégalités créées par une institution destinée à les éviter », this thesis demonstrates that the current regulation no longer achieves the equality between heirs it is intented to promote. The author highlights the need for a reform of this institution. She conducts a detailed and critical analysis of the current regulatory framework and proposes legal provisions that could replace the current art. 626 ff CC in a forthcoming revision of inheritance law.

Alongside her studies, Margaux Schroeter worked as a research assistant at the chair of Civil law of Prof. Dr. Maryse Pradervand-Kernen at the University of Fribourg. Previously, she held a student assistant position at the chair of Private and Roman law of Prof. Dr. Pascal Pichonnaz.

She works in French and English and has basic knowledge of German and Italian. She is registered with the cantonal Trainee lawyers Register.

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