Vincent Pfammatter

Vincent Pfammatter

MLaw, LL.M., Attorney at Law




Direct phone: +41 58 658 31 66

Curriculum Vitae

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Vincent Pfammatter is a renowned practitioner in corporate and non-profit law, providing services in relation to the setting up of cutting-edge projects, crafting and negotiating complex agreements and representing clients in litigious situations or before authorities.

Vincent Pfammatter assists entrepreneurs, high-net-worth individuals and legal entities with a focus on the development and impact of their business and activities. Vincent structures businesses and non-profit ventures (foundations, associations and international organizations) as well as entities at the cross-roads of both, in particular social enterprises, benefit corporations and hybrid entities. He also advises clients in all related legal matters (governance, tax, contracts, employment, immigration, regulatory, financing, etc.).

Vincent Pfammatter also specializes in tech law, in particular in matters related to innovation, data protection and privacy as well as cybersecurity. He advises on Swiss and EU data protection compliance and related issues, such as data transfer, leaks and breaches, mapping and data governance.

In parallel to his work as an attorney, Vincent Pfammatter is an Academic fellow with the Geneva Center for Philanthropy of the University of Geneva, where he contributes to academic research and teaching activities on Social entrepreneurship and hybrid entities, as well as data protection. Vincent Pfammatter is also member of the board of proFonds, the Swiss umbrella organisation for foundations and associations.

After graduating from law school at the Universities of Fribourg and Madrid CEU (2001-2006), Vincent post graduated from UC Berkeley School of Law with an LL.M. (2012-2013). Vincent has practiced as an attorney since 2006 with two of the largest business law firms in Switzerland, before co-founding a boutique law firm (sigma legal LTD), which he co-led until joining Walder Wyss in 2024.

In the past, Vincent Pfammatter has also worked as a Legal Officer with the United Nations Office at Geneva, Joint Appeals Board (2009) and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) as in-house Counsel (NYC, 2013).

Vincent Pfammatter primarily advises clients in French and English. He is registered with the Geneva Bar and is admitted to practice throughout Switzerland.

Swiss foundations and associations law

| by Giulia Neri-Castracane and Vincent Pfammatter | in: SZW / RSDA 5/2024

Remuneration of Board members from a legal perspective Update and chosen aspects

| by Vincent Pfammatter | in: Philanthropie Aktuell (CEPS Basel)

Nouveautés pour les associations et les fondations / Modifications législatives 2023

| by Giulia Neri-Castracane and Vincent Pfammatter | in: Expert Focus | pp. 262 ss

Si le trust de droit suisse voyait le jour, serait-il une menace ou une opportunité pour la philanthropie en Suisse ?

| by Giulia Neri-Castracane and Vincent Pfammatter | in: La Semaine Judiciaire

Vers des entreprises plus altruistes?

| by Henry Peter and Vincent Pfammatter | in: L'Agefi

La philanthropie au-delà des fondations

| by Vincent Pfammatter | in: Rapport sur les fondations en Suisse 2022

Die andere Art der Philanthropie (Interview)

| by Vincent Pfammatter | in: The Philanthropist

Sociétés hybrides, entreprises sociales, B-Corp: Le droit suisse est-il approprié ?

| by Vincent Pfammatter and Henry Peter | in: RSDA, SZW

The Protection of minority shareholders

| by Vincent Pfammatter and Adrien Alberini | in: Expert Focus

L’AG de ma société ne peut avoir lieu physiquement : puis-je organiser une assemblée virtuelle?

| by Vincent Pfammatter | in:

Minority shareholders of Swiss corporations – How they can protect their interests

| by Adrien Alberini and Vincent Pfammatter | in: Expert Focus 2020/2 | pp. 956 f.

Le droit suisse peine à soutenir l’entrepreneuriat social

| by Vincent Pfammatter | in: AGEFI Focus

Digital Governance and GDPR

| Speakers Adrien Alberini and Vincent Pfammatter | Séminaire organisé par le Centre d’Accueil de la Genève Internationale (CAGI) en collaboration avec DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform | Genève

Hybrid entities in Switzerland: Can Swiss entities pursue for- and non-profit purposes at once?

| by Vincent Pfammatter | in: Expert Focus

Profit and Non-Profit purposes: can legal entities serve two masters at once?

| by Henry Peter, Livia Ventura, Delphine Bottge and Vincent Pfammatter | in: Expert Focus

Data Protection and GDPR for non-profit organisations

| by Kevin Guillet, Vincent Pfammatter and Adrien Alberini | in: Expert Focus

Data Protection and the Swiss Non-Profit Sector: How the GDPR considers the specificities of charities and international organizations

| by Kevin Guillet, Adrien Alberini and Vincent Pfammatter | in: Expert Focus 2019/3 | pp. 137 ff.

Blockchain and Data Protection

| by Vincent Pfammatter and Adrien Alberini | in: O. Hari, D. Kraus, T. Obrist (Editor[s]) | "Blockchains, Smart Contracts, Decentralised Organisations and the Law (Edward Elgar)"

Data protection for NGOs, Legal update and workshops for Geneva based NGOs

| Speakers Adrien Alberini and Vincent Pfammatter | Séminaire organisé par le Centre d’Accueil de la Genève Internationale (CAGI) | Geneva

Data Protection and Privacy, The Upcoming Framework Governing the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR), Challenges and How to Strike the Right Balance

| Speakers Adrien Alberini, Vincent Pfammatter and Jörg Becker | Informatics Colloquium organisé par l’Université de Fribourg/Département d’informatique | Fribourg

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